This page is a collection of intriguing, mysterious and downright goofy infromation about the (official) Sonic the Hedgehog line of games. It deals with everything from Sonic the Hedgehog on the Master System to Sonic Adventure
on SEGA Dreamcast.It's basically an archive of weird STH data the author has collected since 1998, when Andre Alex Dirk had shown the world his interesting Sonic 2 cartridge. Most of the info here is exclusive unless it was "borrowed" by others. Meaning there is stuff here you won't find anywhere else! The original authors of the finding have been listed where I myself am not the author. |
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Sonic 2 (Page 3)
Wood Zone Yep, this is where I start blurting about those other stages. Like it or not. Wood Zone is another infamous lost level, and the only one Sonic 2 fans got to look at before it was completley removed. Its magazine pictures are EXTREMLEY rare;
in fact, the only "scanned" pic I've seen so far has later been found as a hoax, and a pretty evil one, too. This is the second "lost level" in Sonic 2 Beta, and was apprently
a Past (remember Sonic CD?) version of Metropolis: The theory has orginally been concieved by Dr Zachary, and it's surprisingly correct. According to the interviews SEGA employees were forced to kindly had time to give, they got the instructions to create
a forest that would later burn down and become a metalic fortress. Makes sense - look at the hollow tree trunks and compare them to Metropolis' warp tubes. By the way, Wood Zone's musci is not unique - it's from Metropolis Zone... Since we know little else about the level, we'll just move on. It was deleted shortly after Sonic 2 Beta and apart from its palette, nothing else left from it remains in the final version of Sonic 2. Genocide City Zone The leader of mysterious, the phantasm of Sonic fans' imagination, the least finished named stage in Sonic 2 Beta (there are more of even less finished, but we'll get back to that later).
It plays Chemical Plant music and if the Time Trave thing is really correct, it was probably its Future. Or any stage's future, for that matter - with a name like that, they should make the next Resident Evil
game about it. So, what is there to see? Er, absolutley NOTHING. O_o As soon as Sonic and Tails start the level, they are treated to a very long fall, resulting in a series of deaths (the public made up some very bad jokes about this relating
to the stage's name, but I decided...not to list them =P). Game Over, back to the title screen. Dust Hill Zone Yep. Dust Hill Zone. Some deluded saps say it never existed, but the name alone is evidence against that. So, what is it, or better, what was it? It was a stage of Dust. According to reports from people working at SEGA, half of it was deserty, and half of it was wintery. O_o
The striking contrast probably resulted in Sonic getting a wicked cold, so they had to remove it (<-- bad joke). Today, all we have of Dust Hill are that picture, level slot 03 which plays the deserty Oil Ocean music and, of course, the level name found in Sonic 2 Beta stage select. Question: a big guy with an axe told me there was no Dust Hill. That it never existed. How about that? The Level Select name "Dust Hill" leads to Deep Caves Zone, better known to laymen as Mystic Cave, but that's much like in the case of...
Neo Green Hill Zone Selecting "Neo Green Hill" leads to Aquatic Ruin Zone. So, it was Aquatic Ruin's beta name? Wrong. According to magazines recently found, magazines I'm not going to post here because that would be thievery, BOTH Aquatic Ruin and Neo Green
Hill appeared in Sonic 2 Alpha (very early version of Sonic 2), along with Dust Hill and Deep Caves, so it can't just be a name change. The level slot is still in Sonic 2, and it's
01, right after Green Hill. So it was probably the latter's future, just like Wood Zone was Metropolis' past. And that's all that is known about it. (no name) I ran out of names here. There is one more lost level in Sonic 2, and this is it. I know absolutley nothing about it - it plays Sky Chase music, but is NOT Sky Chase. It might have been the winter part of Dust Hill in a separate level slot,
but your guess is as good as mine. Note: most of these levels were deleted too early in the development of Sonic 2, but they WERE done upt o a certain point, since they feature two layers of scrolling background, whereas stages
that haven't even been touched (Sky Chase, Wing Fortress) feature only one. |
Legal Information
Page created in 1998 by Jan AbazaFirst hosted by Academic Research Network of Slovenia, now part of Sonic Stuff Research Group Sonic the Hedgehog and all related indicia are owned by Sonic Team The author and the page are no way affiliated with SEGA or Sonic Team. This site was created with MS Notepad. I hate the "make the page for me" programs. And so freaking what if I link to the MS homepage. Boo. |