This page is a collection of intriguing, mysterious and downright goofy infromation about the (official) Sonic the Hedgehog line of games. It deals with everything from Sonic the Hedgehog on the Master System to Sonic Adventure
on SEGA Dreamcast.It's basically an archive of weird STH data the author has collected since 1998, when Andre Alex Dirk had shown the world his interesting Sonic 2 cartridge. Most of the info here is exclusive unless it was "borrowed" by others. Meaning there is stuff here you won't find anywhere else! The original authors of the finding have been listed where I myself am not the author. |
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Sonic the Hedgehog (Page 3)
Now for something completley diff... *stepped on by a giant photorealistic foot* The following pics were scanned by PrOfUnD Darkness (and are way too big to just let load on this very page): These show Sonic 1 in the beta development stage; as you can see, Sparkling Zone got quite a few changes during its transition to Spring Yard Zone... Kat contributed the following scans to the site: The Title is a Sonic Title Screen. Sonic and Tails are from Sonic 2 Beta, and the background is somewhat dithered. Page 1 shows a gallery of badniks from both Sonic 1 and 2 - there is a non-existant badnik called Splats, shaped like a bunny. It's still inside Sonic 1 ROM data, but I'll get back to that
some other time. The final page is a gallery of Sonic 1 and 2 stages. Special Stage is called Warp of Confusion (the "W" symbols, anyone?), Aquatic Ruin is called Aquatic Zone (probably a mistake on their end), and Sky Chase only has
one layer of clouds. Ignore the fact Sonic only has 3600 pts. in Hill top and 300 in Aquatic Ruin - it was an early (later than Beta, but before Final) version where Stage Select was easily accessible. |
Legal Information
Page created in 1998 by Jan AbazaFirst hosted by Academic Research Network of Slovenia, now part of Sonic Stuff Research Group Sonic the Hedgehog and all related indicia are owned by Sonic Team The author and the page are no way affiliated with SEGA or Sonic Team. This site was created with MS Notepad. I hate the "make the page for me" programs. And so freaking what if I link to the MS homepage. Boo. |