logo.gif (11518 bytes)

We should all know who Sonic is shouldn't we? ^_^


By downloading these sprites you agree NOT to repost them on any sort of webpage in any shape or form without express permission from the author or the inclusion of a credit to their name.


It's Sonic From Sonic 1 Master System, complete. A Sonic 1 GG sprite. having the REAL Gema Gear sprite instead of the Master System sprite, it's great. having basically all animations intact. Includes most animations from Sonic in Sonic 1. a great collection of movement from both Sonic 1 and Sonic CD! has many animations, although some bumpy, but heaps are there.
By Rlan
By Miles Prower
By Hez
By E-107 Theta
sonic2md.gif (1272 bytes) A great edition to the library. This lib contains some animation for Sonic when he's going up and down a cliff face. So if you use these, he won't look so pixellated. A excellent Sonic 2 beta sprite, has basically everything! Sonic Spinball Sonic. Also includes the Barrel swim and Grab Emerald moves.
By Cinos
By Hez
By Rlan
Its the semi 3d Sonic from the Sonic CD special Stages, EVERY MOVE has been intact (except the Sonic gets a a emerald pose) This sprite by Julio has a 3D sonic using the Animations off when Sonic goes up the ramp on PalmTree panic. looks cool. This sprite includes practically all animation from Sonic off Sonic CD, with a staggering 80 frames of animation. A Cool Sprite which has all Animations from the Sonic CD "miniture" sonic, which is what he looks like when shrinked in a zone.
By Rlan
By Julio
By Gold Sonic
By Rlan
Wow, thanks to Julio, this includes ALL animations used in the Sonic 3 snowboarding sequence, cool. included is a Sonic from Sonic 3's 2 player mode. A collection of EVERY Sonic Animation for Sonic 3. And I do (hope) mean EVERY! All animations are seperate in this collection. This Sonic sprite, made by Blues, has every animation for Sonic from the Crackers game. very good.
By Julio
By Julio
By Matrixx
By Blues
one of the best Sonic Off Sonic Crackers sprits around, it even has the Holding Tails move fully added! Here is another Sonic crackers sprite, but this has All animation from the original, no new ones. Also, a no-ring is included. A excellent Sonic Sprite from Triple Trouble, has basically every animation, includes spindash and that super speed thing. an ok Labrynth sprite, unfortunately that annoying "moves 1 cm away from the rest of the animations" is there..
By Matrixx
By Matrixx
By Sz
The hardest (almost) sprite to collect, and it has been done! Sonic from Sonic 3D has all the walking, standing, and Jumping movement from the Megadrive. complete in a small area a bit like Green Grove! sonicspa.gif (1081 bytes) a cool looking SA Sonic, it's from a waiting sequence from Sonic pocket Adventure. A cool Sonic from the Sonic Screen Saver! full of Anime Goodness ^_^
By Rlan
By Skahott and Rlan
By Julio
By Stuart Jenkins
It's the Sonic sprite from Sonic Blast Special Stages! Although not much animation is here, it says correct to the original version. A very good Sonic from sonic blast, it's in the correct colours! Grabbed from the (unreleased) Sonic Blast Game Gear ROM. The second is also from Sonic Arcade BETA, it's Sonic from the startup title.with all it's animations, plus a new standing animation. The first is brilliant, getting almost every single animation of the normal play Sonic sprites. Huge amounts of animation are included, such as running, walking, and waiting. All it's missing is some once only sprites, and the getting hit spin.
By Blues
By Rlan
By MartJyn
By MartJyn
A few extra sprites from Segasonic arcade, including dying, and falling. This includes every single animation of Sonic from the X-treme files
By Knux9
By Shakatu


Design of Sonic Fan Games HQ is (C) Ryan Langley. Each mouse drawn sprite or edit is (C) Their respective spriters. No infringement is intended. SFGHQ is hosted by EmulationZone.org and assumes no responsibility for the content on SSRG, Emulation World, and ZTNet. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and all related characters are (C) SEGA Enterprises