beanbarkmisc.gif (12385 bytes)

Wanted to make a game but can't be stuffed making any Sonic Sprites/Backgrounds? Well this area lets you lay back and get em. If YOU have anything which you reckon is much better, or have something we don't have up here, drop me a e-mail with the file attached.


By downloading these sprites you agree NOT to repost them on any sort of webpage in any shape or form without express permission from the author or the inclusion of a credit to their name.


a nice Bark from Sonic Fighters! he has this cool punching animation a petty cool BEAN! Bean from sonic the fighters that is, he throws bombs arond, ad looks pretty good, hs eyes don't look too flash though. a nice Bean, basically a green version of Bin, the origional idea behind bean (from Dynamite Dux) This one is a new Bean the Dynamite Sprite. It looks quite good, but could be better, the Jump animation kicks arse though
By Meowtwo
by Meowtwo
By Stuart Jenkins
By Yuski
Bean version of Sonic, from Sonic CD's special stages. The sprite is quite good, but some head detail would have been nice. updated Bean sprites by Yuski. Originally by Jexodus. The Change? He has ORANGE legs, like he's meant to! :) This includes the Sonic 3 Bean, and the snowboard Bean. FLICKY! from the old arcade game by the same name. Obviously doesn't have much animation because it was made in 1989 :) All of the TV boxes from Knuckles' Chaotix
By Jexodus
By Yuski, Julio
By Yuski
By Yuski
a collection of all the TV's from Sonic 1 2 and 3! A collection of TVs and other objects from Sonic Pocket Adventure A collection of Objects from Sonic 1 GG by Turbo, includes monitors and other allsorted things. A collection of 20 brand new Item boxes for your enjoyment! Also include broken and static, and turned off!
By Hez
By Julio
By Turbo
By Internat
This library has collections of 4 brand new Teles for Sonic Games, with a very nice 3D look to them. Speed Shoes, Invincibility, and Extra lives are included A heap of cool looking objects just for you. It includes new, shaded versions of old boxes, new SA styled boxes, an Omochao, some SA2 Boxes, and Chao key! A collection of new boxes that can be used in your games. Including Chaos Emerals Boxes, and old icons. Inside includes new ring monitors, now with the power of showing you how many rings it will give you. Also some Chao Drives from SA2
By Julio
By Sotronic
By Miles Prower
By Andrusi
a collection of practically ALL the different sorts of emeralds found in all Sonic games. This zip incudes all the Time Stones seen in Sonic CD. A collection of the Sonic Spinball Emeralds, but now shaded in the normal emerald colours, instead of just Blue. This includes practically every sort of ring you can find in 2D Sonic Games.
By Gold Sonic, Rob Fox
By Cinos
By Ninja
By Julio
A small addition, it's the 3D ring from Sonic Arcade, with all animations. A collection of Hands! What an Idea, and pretty useful too for creating new animations. a great collection of explosions from most Genesis Sonic Games, great for using in games. A huge collection of Heads for people to use when creating characters. Including Sonic, Knuckles, Chaotix, Tails, Eggman, and many, many badniks.
By Ninja
By Matrixx
By Scott Prower
by Duckboy
heads2.gif (1917 bytes) some VERY good looking planes! created to look like the ones in Sonic Adventure, theres the Tornado, Proto Type (which Tails crashes at the start), Tornado 2, and it's trasformed state. I must Say, the Torndao 2 looks wicked! A selection of things only found in the end scene of Sonic 3K, such as this small side bi-plane. a collection of Sonic TT planes but with Sonic or Tails Standing on the top of them. also a blue version of the Sonic 2 plane.
By Duckboy
By The Guy with the hat
By Joe Fox
By Jmorphman, Oogaland, Julio
A selection of 3 frames of the Bi-Plane at the end of Sonic 2. a collection of the planes and Sonic Spinball (Meadrive and GG) A collection of the Sonic 3 Bi-plane. has Sonic & Tails, Tails, and Sonic. planes5.gif (1655 bytes)
By Ninja
By Julio
By Oogaland
By Mark
This file has many different objects that look like the ones from SA, like Star Springs, and Rockets. A collection of really good looking rockets from Sonic Adventure 2. This zip includes varios pickups and objects that look like they're from the Sonic Adventure 2 demo. Including Omochao, a bin, and the boxes found. A big collection of Sonic Advance objects, including capsules, posts, and many other things.
By Zhan D'vega
By Super Sonik
By Stuart Jenkins
By Water Proof Pop Tart
A collection of different fonts and title cards uses for your Sonic games. A nice addition to the site by Diablohead. This includes all the original Head displays with score, ring, time, and live counters, and some extra additions. A collection of head displays from Sonic Advance, with life counters and many numbers. many.gif (2177 bytes)
By Bryn2k
By Diablohead
By Bennettman
By SonicNeo


Design of Sonic Fan Games HQ is (C) Ryan Langley. Each mouse drawn sprite or edit is (C) Their respective spriters. No infringement is intended. SFGHQ is hosted by and assumes no responsibility for the content on SSRG, Emulation World, and ZTNet. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and all related characters are (C) SEGA Enterprises