kunuksa.gif (11017 bytes)

If YOU have anything which you reckon is much better, or have something we don't have up here, drop me a e-mail with the file attached.


By downloading these sprites you agree NOT to repost them on any sort of webpage in any shape or form without express permission from the author or the inclusion of a credit to their name.



a Knuckles which is made to look like it from SA with his Digging Gloves. very good. A rather good edit of Blazes Sonic sprite. a cool edited Knuckles/Sonic to mkae him look like he's on a snowboard! made by matrixx Yes, another Knux Crackers sprite, but wait! This sprite uses a Sonic sprite which has all the original animation, how 'bout that? created by Matrixx
By Danshadow
By Falcon, Blaze
By Martixx
By Matrixx
A new Knuckles Cracker Sprite by Blues (originally by Matrixx) Which has a huge lot of added animation. Created by Matrixx, this includes new animations for the edited knuckles Crackers Sprites, such as waiting, Running, and Jumping. includes new animations like Gliding and Running for Knuckles Crackers sprites. A great edited Sonic Snowboard (originally by Julio) To look like Knuckles! The only complaint is the shoes.
By Blues, Matrixx
By Matrixx
By Blues
By F-man
A very good Knuckles Anime Sprite from the Screen Saver. it has heaps of animation. This Knuckles, based off the Chaotix version of himself, has been revamped to include super smooth extra animations. also makes him do a SA style running animation. This lib includes a bunch of new Animations you can use with Knuckles, Including this Gliding animation, which IMO looks much better. 7 new animations to be used with Knuckles 3K sprites. Includes Push-ups, Hanging punch, Call Over/Gimmie, Lifting, Bowing, Alt. Winning Pose, and Crushing.
By Matrixx
By Blues
By Andrew B
By Andrew B
A new Mini Knuckles sprite by Hez. This one is far more accurate than Cinos's, as it has correct shading and has seeable dreadlocks. This new Knuckles, sprite, which is created by Blues, is an edited version from Sonic Triple Trouble. Knuckles now has a more glossy red colour, and more colouration on his mouth area. 4 new running animations for Knuckles by KnuxTeam. Including a Half figure 8 movement, a Sonic 2 BETA styled run, an Espio type run, and a mixture of Espio's run and the figure 8. A small but pretty good Knuckles sprite, based from Sonic CD's Special Stage Sonic. The front animation is there, but the sideway and fast run are not.
By Hez, Rlan
By Blues
By Knuxteam
By Jexodus
A nice Knuckles sprite by Neo Metal Knux. this is basically a Sonic Adventure version of Knux, having a different run, and having soles on his shoes. He also has a good waiting animation. A nice SA Knuckles by Matrixx. Includes a SA run, and some other nice animations. Is also much more red than the S3 Knuckles. A nice Cell Shaded looking Knuckles thanks to Manic Team. Has all the animations needed, and looks quite cool. A few new animations for Manic Lightspeeds Knuckles sprite. Including Sleeping, Slipping, and Dead.
By Neo Metal Knux
By Matrixx
By Manic Team
By MartJyn
An excellent Knuckles sprite by Nate. Looks like it was ripped straight from Sonic Adventure 2! A new Knuckles sprite by Flamez. Includes a lighter, SA2 knuckles red, longer legs, and smaller snout. A great sprite by Poulto. Has lots of animation, and looks like a more details cell shaded sprite. The new Neo Sonic styled Knuckles.
By Nate Netfox
By Flamez
By Poluto
By MartJyn, ManicTeam


Design of Sonic Fan Games HQ is (C) Ryan Langley. Each mouse drawn sprite or edit is (C) Their respective spriters. No infringement is intended. SFGHQ is hosted by EmulationZone.org and assumes no responsibility for the content on SSRG, Emulation World, and ZTNet. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and all related characters are (C) SEGA Enterprises