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If YOU have anything which you reckon is much better, or have something we don't have up here, drop me a e-mail with the file attached.


Download Picture Descriptions
Toxic Caves toxiccaves.gif (5109 bytes) A very good background by Thunder Dragon. Has heaps of stuff, even the boss. Even has somethings working through it.
Lava Powerhouse lavapowerhouse.gif (4622 bytes) Thunder Dragon has created Lava Powerhouse, the second level of Spinball. It has quite alot of different areas of the level, even the two kangaroos.
The Machine new! THEMACHINE.gif (2395 bytes) Thunder Dragon oes it again with this cool Machine background (the third level), It includes alot of the stuff present in the level.
The Showdown showdown.gif (7727 bytes) Thunder Dragon has taken over! He's completed all 5 Sonic Spinball Backgrounds. this one is very good., and has many features.
Special Stages new! sstages.gif (2221 bytes) a collection of 2 special stages from Sonic Spinball.. the one where you have to save Sally Acorn, and one where you have to knock Eggmans teeth out. made by Thunder Dragon