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If YOU have anything which you reckon is much better, or have something we don't have up here, drop me a e-mail with the file attached.


Download Picture Descriptions
Neo South Island Zone nsi.gif (2827 bytes) a cool collection of Neo Green Hill Zone from SPA (whic is, in itself, a copy of Emerald Hill from Sonic 2) made by Blaze Hedgehog
Secret Plant Zone spz.gif (1787 bytes) a nifty collection of Secret Plant Zone (the SPA rippoff of Chemical Plant) made by AKA
Cosmic Casino Zone new! casino.gif (2140 bytes) a cool collection of Cosmic Casion (basically Casino Night) made by E107 Theta
Aquatic Relix Zone new! aquatic.gif (2934 bytes) a good collection Of Aquatic Relix (basically Aquatic Ruins on Sonic 2) Made by E107 Theta
Aero Base Zone airbase.gif (1702 bytes) a cool collection of Aero Base Zone. made by Skahott
Gigantic Angel Zone ga.gif (2137 bytes) A pretty good Gigantic Angel Zone, which is basically a Metropolis Zone/ Scrap Brain could. Made by AKA
Chaotic Space Zone csz.gif (2245 bytes) A small collection of a small level, has basically everything. made by Skahott