logo.gif (28285 bytes)

If YOU have anything which you reckon is much better, or have something we don't have up here, drop me a e-mail with the file attached.


Download Picture Descriptions
PalmTree Panic Present, Past, GF, BF palmtree.gif (3052 bytes) Has Past, Present, Future, and Bad Future all in one, with many different background and platforms. Made by Rlan
Collision Chaos Present & Good Future ccpresent.gif (3179 bytes)ccgf.gif (3962 bytes) Collision Chaos Present Zone by Internat. It has quite alot of different things, and even has animated objects.

This now includes Collision Chaos Good Future! also has quite a few little flashy things added to the mix.

Collision Chaos Bad Future ccbad.gif (2461 bytes) a collection of Collision Chaos bad Future. made by Thunder Dragon
Collision Chaos Past ccp.gif (3260 bytes) A good collection of Collision Chaos past background objects. Also, some are animated. CCP is one of the better looking Background of Sonic CD, and it's brought to you by Tails McCloud.
Dust Hill Zone Another Dust Hill Version by Showoffboy. This one however, it handmade for the most part with the look from the pictures. looks a little cleaner than Yarharhars.
Dust Hill Zone dust.gif (5155 bytes) The Mysterious Dust Hill! A level taken out of the full game, Dust hill is only found in some screenshots. made by YarHarHar and Patrick Nygen
Tidal Tempest Present and Past ttpresent.gif (3372 bytes)ttpast.gif (5091 bytes) A nice, vibrant rendition of Tidal Tempest from Gold Sonic. Both Present and Past are correct to the Sonic CD game, and have most objects you need, includes some animated stuff too.
Tidal Tempest Bad Future ttbf.gif (5941 bytes) Thunder dragon has created TT bad future. Includes alot of the backgrounds, all nicely set up.
Quartz Quadrant Past qqpast.gif (2482 bytes) A great Zone BG by Gold Sonic, basically everything you want to use for a Zone! the different BGs, and different animations. great work.
Quartz Quadrant Present qquadrantpresent.gif (4050 bytes) Internat has created Quartz Quadrant Zone Present from Sonic CD. And it has quite a bit of platforms etc. it even has some animated things, and also includes the outside and inside areas.
Quartz Quadrant Good Future and Bad Future qqgf.gif (3212 bytes)qqbf.gif (2707 bytes) 2 new backgrounds thanks to Tails McCloud. Both include some nice animated sections of the level, and include quite a bit of the levels. Well done.
Metallic Madness Present mmpres.gif (4776 bytes) Thunder Dragon has created a very good Present MM. The library is quite large, and even includes some animated scenery.
Metallic Madness Good Future metallicmadnessgooffuture.gif (3519 bytes) A good, but small collection of Metallic Madness GF. Created by Tails McCloud,
Stardust Speedway Present, Good Future, past new! stardustgood.gif (1833 bytes)stardustpast.gif (3053 bytes)stardustpresent.gif (2754 bytes) A collection of good level particals of Stardust Speedway. They are pretty much the same, but wuth the different palettes and different backgrounds. Nice work Tails McCloud.
Stardust Speedway Bad Future ssbf.gif (8587 bytes) Internat strikes again with another Sonic CD Background. Stardust Speedway looks quite good, and some some animation (although not alot)
Wacky Workbench Present wwpres.gif (5180 bytes) An excellent library by thunder Dragon. Includes pretty much everything you can imagine through the level.
Wacky Workbench Past wwgf.gif (2597 bytes) Wacky Workbench Past by Internat. Unfortunately doesn't really have much in it, and the animated objects are slightly wonky
Wacky Workbench Good Future wackyworkbenchgoodf.gif (2832 bytes) A very nice WW Good Future Zone. Includes all the stuff you need, and some animated objects. made by Tails Mcloud
Wacky Workbench Bad Future wwbf.gif (4879 bytes) a great collection of Wacky Workbench objects by Thunder Dragon. Includes most of the things from the level.
Opening Scene Remix starting.gif (3867 bytes) An excellent background thanks to Ninja. Using artistic skills, Ninja has edited the opeining Sonic CD movie, and created a background for it. He also went over it in much better colours. Well done.