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If YOU have anything which you reckon is much better, or have something we don't have up here, drop me a e-mail with the file attached.


Download Picture Descriptions
Green Hill Zone new! greenhill.gif (1430 bytes) a nice collection of Greenhill, even has moving backgrounds! made by Gold Sonic
Marble Zone marble.gif (2866 bytes) A nice Marble Garden collection, has basically everything, made by Gold Sonic.
Spring Yard Zone springyard.gif (2991 bytes) A pretty good Spring Yard Zone, has Background, Foregrounds, and Platforms. Made By Sonik Jam
Labrinth Zone lab.gif (4180 bytes) A very nice Labrynth zone by Gold Sonic, it even includes excellent water animation! well done.
Starlight Zone star.gif (3224 bytes) A cool collection of Starlight Zone. Made by Hez
Scrap Brain Zone scrap.gif (2563 bytes) A pretty good Scrap brain Zone, has alot in it. However, the Act 3 Area (where it's more like the labrynth Zone) is incomplete. made by Nexjen