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If YOU have anything which you reckon is much better, or have something we don't have up here, drop me a e-mail with the file attached.


Download Picture Descriptions
City Escape cityescape.gif (3908 bytes) An excellent library by Blaze Hedgehog. using his skill and various other programs, Blaze has re-created City Escape in 2D. A shame there is so much black, but you can't expect much from ashfault. Nice job!
City Escape cityescape2.gif (5465 bytes) Another City Escape Library. This, by Poulto, has a more detailed and colourful setting. Very nice.
Dry Lagoon drylagoon.gif (7879 bytes) A Dry Lagoon sprite set from Poulto, includes many walls and floors, even the turtles!
Mission Street missionstreet.gif (7003 bytes) It's the Mission Street level from Tails' Adventure in SA2. This sprite lib is by Poulto, and is a variatrion of the Radical Highway lib that he did beforehand.
Pumpkin Hill pumpkinhill.gif (8353 bytes) A Pumpkin Hill lib from Sonic Adventure 2 by Poulto. Has a great background, as well as many little object which look well rendered.
Weapons Bed weaponsbed.gif (10424 bytes) A great Weapons Bed level by Poulto, includes many drums and such, but does not include the army runways.
Sky Rail skyrail.gif (7874 bytes) A nice Sky Rail Background by Poulto. basically an edited daytime Pumpkin Hill, which is really what it is in SA2.
Radical Highway radical.gif (3319 bytes) A nice, pixel drawn version of Radical Highway. Includes several moving objects and styles of roadway. By Poulto.
Green Forest greenfoest.gif (7362 bytes) A decent background collection by Beamer. Using screenshots of the level, he's created a half-decent looking level. Could be better, but almost impossible.
Final Rush finalrush.gif (3330 bytes) Diablohead has recteated most of Final Rush from SA2. included is lots of grindpoles, and stars. Earth can be seen, just like in SA2.