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If YOU have anything which you reckon is much better, or have something we don't have up here, drop me a e-mail with the file attached.

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Download Picture Descriptions
Glimmering Green Zone new! gg.gif (6139 bytes) a very cool looking level. has 3D looking levels, and all nice. made by Jexodus
Down Town Dash Zone

Twilight factory Zone

dtdz.gif (7612 bytes)tfz.gif (4884 bytes) 2 very nice looking original backgrounds

The first one is Downtown Dash Zone. very nice looking, uses original stuff mixed with some Chemical Plant Zone

Twilight Factory Zone looks brilliant, its a futuristic City/Factory which looks at peace. used edited Launch Base and other areas. very good.

Made by Jexodus

Winter Zone wz.gif (5002 bytes) a very nice looking Winter level. has trees and snowmen, is avaliable in Day and Night! made by J-Special Soft
Geo Thermal Zone geozone.gif (4302 bytes) a really slick looking level. Kinda looks like Chemical plant Zone, but is at the edge of explosion, with red liquid (lava?) flowing through the tubes. has 2 acts included. made by Falcon the Echidna
ClockWork City Zone cwcity.gif (3300 bytes) A cool level which is like a edited version of Scrap Brain, a City hides behind the mechanical area, and the platforms are grey and blue. made by Matt Man
Ice Caverns Zone ice.gif (4004 bytes) based on a Hoax created by Sonique/Soneec, Hez has made a level based on it. Ice Caverns. It looks pretty good too.
Oil Ocean Good Future oogf.gif (4132 bytes) Gold Sonic strikes again with a great Oil Ocean Good Future, now Water is pumping through, and much more friendly looking.
Hydro Palace, Laval Caves,and Emerald isle 3in11.gif (3081 bytes)3in12.gif (4874 bytes)3in13.gif (4420 bytes) some cool original backgrounds by ZoNiC. Fistly is Hydro Palace, which looks ok, could be a little better though.

Emerald Isle is a great looking level. seems quite peaceful, very good.

And Lava caves looks top notch! inside a lava cave, cool.

Sunset Forest sunsetforest.gif (7564 bytes) OK, so this isn't a original background. its actually from a game hack called "Sonic on SNES", which is a hack of Speedy Gonzales. Since the backgrounds arent changed through the game, its really the Speedy ones, but since Sonic is in the hack, I'll put it here.. Its VERY good. made by Thunder Dragon
Industriopolis Zone industrialopolis.gif (3607 bytes) a good mixed level by Wes. Its a mix of Scrap Brain, Metropolis, and Oil ocean. looks pretty good.
Crystal Palace Zone crystal.gif (4451 bytes) a neat re-colouring of Hidden Palace Zone. Its result? Crystal Palace Zone. and loks pretty good. by Yuski
Spark Plant Zone spark.gif (4079 bytes) Sparks are a-flying in J-Specialsofts Spark Plant Zone, filled with ladders and slopes. looks very cool.
Mesa Hill Zone mesa.gif (4041 bytes) a good original background by Internat. it all works well together, nice.
Emerald Palace and Golden Hill Zones emerald palace.gif (4694 bytes)goldenhill.gif (3077 bytes) Ultra the Vampire has created 2 cool new levels.

The First is Emerald Palace. Sonic 2's Hidden Palace, but completely Emerald Green. nice effect

The Second is Golden Hill Zone, Green Hill, but completely gold. nice.

Cactus panic Zone cactuspanic.gif (5040 bytes) a cool background by Julio. It looks like a remix of Dust Hill Zone, and some excellent backgrounds.
Genocide City Past, Present, GF, BF! genocidecity.gif (9750 bytes) This is really cool, Hez has created what He thought could have been Genocide City Zone, With P, Pres, GF, and BF! With the different time areas, Check it out, it's neato!
Forest Zone forestzone.gif (3656 bytes) A neat blend of Original Stuff with Wood Zone, nice stuff, made by J-SpecialSoft
Swamp Zone swampzone.gif (3631 bytes) Based in a TgF CD level, Swamp Zone comes out rather well, nice detail. made by Dan V
Green Hill Zone BETA ghzbeta.gif (2340 bytes) Based on some Sonic 1 BETA screenshots, this is a cool looking level, with dark mountainis backgrounds. made by Blues
Wood Garden Zone woodgarden.gif (2757 bytes) A cool Mix of Marble Garden, Aquatic Ruins, and Wooz Zones. Very nice, made by AGB
Freezer Zone freezer.gif (2547 bytes) A great looking Original Background by J-Specialsoft. It has alot of shading, and is generally well done.
Cavern Zone cavern.gif (2588 bytes) A well done background by Internat. Has alot of shading, and the entire look fits together.
Toxic Junk Yard Zone toxicjunkyard.gif (5124 bytes) A Toxis Wasteland this level is, and well done to Andrew B. It works well together and looks cool.
Ancient Temple Zone atz.gif (3252 bytes) A new background by Julio! This level is taken in the Sand Areas of Sonics World. and Looks quite pleasing.
Green Grass Field Zone greengrass.gif (3938 bytes) A very cool looking background, well textured looking, and well done. made by Jexodus.
Ice Cap Zone at night icecapatnight.gif (3565 bytes) A very good looking background, although basically just icecap, the background is different, and is, of course, at night. made by Kaisar
Spark Tube Zone sparkcity.gif (2876 bytes) Spark tube Zone by Matrixx. It looks quite good, the tubes seem nicely done, but the background could be better.
DoomsDay Zone Revival doomsday.gif (3015 bytes) A very well done Doomsday Zone. using much more detailsed backgrounds, this level looks really good. but not much is there because of the original level. made by Snowfire
Hidden Palace Game Gear hpgg.gif (2909 bytes) A new GG level! Based on the last Sonic 2 GG level, it comes out rather well, accurate to the Sonic 2 MD version. created by Blues
Aqua Wield Zone new!

Mineral City Zone new!

aquawield.gif (3781 bytes)mineralcity.gif (4986 bytes) Aqua Wield Zone, basically a underground Wood Zone, with Water trickling down, and new platforms. made by Gold Sonic

Mineral City Zone, a place which looks like a giant Chaos Emerald, with Glimmer effects, and that glass feel. Made by Gold Sonic

Green Hills Zone at Night s2ggghnight.gif (2136 bytes) This here is Green Hills Zone at night. The Sonic 2 GG level has gone to a dark shade of blue, and looks rather good. made by RJ and JE Green.
Golden Tower Zone gtzpres.gif (3284 bytes)gtzpast.gif (4451 bytes)gtzgf.gif (3219 bytes)gtz.gif (3177 bytes) A brand new BG created by Meowtwo! Including a Present, Past, and two futures, this is very good. nice and vibrant, and full of life.
Tube Town Zone tubetown.gif (2729 bytes) A Mix of Scrap Brain and Metropolis Zones, This Zone is full of Tubes, or Warp Pipes, industrial, and nice looking. Created by JJ