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If YOU have anything which you reckon is much better, or have something we don't have up here, drop me a e-mail with the file attached.

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Download Picture Descriptions
Green Hill Zone Revisited newghz.gif (3489 bytes) A excellent showpiece ofwhat some revisited levels would look like now. excellently shaded, and nice transparency. Well done Cinos
Ice Caverns Zone Lava Palace Zone Green Field Zone icecavern.gif (4879 bytes)larvapalace.gif (5365 bytes)greenfield.gif (5237 bytes) 3 new Original backgrounds thanks to Yuski.

The first is Ice Caverns, a mix between original, and ice cap. looks nice, but the light effect is a little distracting.

Larva Palace is pretty good, but looks far too much like a red version of the ice Caverns.

Green Fields is also a good background, with some nice clouds and platforms. Unfortunately, some of the shading was caught in near white, so some white areas pop up, and makes it look not-so-good.

Casino Night Under Water casinoatnight.gif (2183 bytes) A new original background, it's Casino night Zone under water! nice try, but the background is bland. Created by Duckboy
New Palmtree Panic Zone newppz.gif (3113 bytes) An updated version of Palmtree Panic Zone, now with a darker brown, and looking a little more organic in colour. Created by Jacob Runge, originally by Rlan
Pipeline Zone sewer.gif (3026 bytes) A new background by Nik Jam the Man. Although the background is a little bland, it come sout rather well. Using pipes from Sonic 3D Blast.
Underground and Sky High Zone, Genesisized! underground.gif (2298 bytes)skyhigh.gif (2562 bytes) Ninja has taken the look of 2 Sonic 2 Game Gear Levels, and turned them into Genesis looking levels! And they turn out really well.
Lava Palace Zone lavapalace.gif (6130 bytes) A new level by Duckboy. Lava Palace Zone is a mix of Hidden Palace and Lava. And looks pretty good too.
Underwater Cavern Zone undergroundcaverns.gif (2797 bytes) A very nice background by Duckboy. Uses decent coloration of Lava reef and Hidden Palace, it comes out really well. Definitely one of the better duckboy collections.
Nebula Ocean, Tropical Utopia, and Techno Trance Zones manicnebulaocean.gif (6192 bytes)manictropicalutopia.gif (7462 bytes)manictechnotrance.gif (2636 bytes) 3 new levels by Manic Lightspeed.

The first, Nebula Ocean, is a mix of Stardust Speedway, in with rocky terrain. Looks excellent.

The second is more like a electronic Angel Island. Seems a bit lacking, but good nonetheless.

The last is a city area. Looks good, but more buildings in the background would have been good.

Inferno Island Zone infernoislandzone.gif (4270 bytes) A nice background by Thunder Dragon. Basically a mix of many levels, turned to red hot lava.
Casino Night Omega ninjasomegacasionnighr.gif (4117 bytes) An updated looking version of Casino Night BETA. Using different cards and palettes, the level does shine. made by Hez and Ninja.
Mecha Tower and Rainbow City mechafortress.gif (6170 bytes)rainbowcity.gif (6749 bytes) Mecha Tower is a large, grey fortress, with some nice shading and other cool little things.

Rainbow city is the first to use the template, and looks really good. Full of colour, which is well shaded.

Made by Duckboy.

Floating Paradise Zone floating paradise.gif (4073 bytes)floating paradise cell.gif (4483 bytes) An excellent library by Duckboy. Floating Paradise Zone is very well shaded, making it a great choice for a level.

Also includes is a cell shaded version of the level (ie; dark outlines)

Cheese Mountain Zone cheesemountain.gif (6104 bytes) A mountain of cheese! This crazy level looks quite nice, with melting cheese backgrounds, and a nice 3D backdrop (By Cinos). By Duckboy and added to by Sage Hedgehog.
Stardust Highway Zone starlighthighway.gif (4670 bytes) A new background by Braz. A Darker, different palette version of Stardust Speedway.
White Winter Zone winterzone.gif (6016 bytes) A nice background by HOOHAZ. With some pretty scenery, this background is rather good. Seems lacking in the amount of scenery though
Metal Hills Zone new! metalhills.gif (5520 bytes) A good transformation of Green Hills Zone. Metal Hill Zone contains reshaded areas, now with a dark grey tone, as well as purple gunk rivers. Made by Sickles.
Great Gate Zone

Green River Zone

greatgate.gif (8485 bytes)greenriver.gif (4342 bytes) Two great background additions by Hoohaz.

Green Gate has a great setting, with some nice ground textures, and good use of Statues.

Green River Zone is also good, with nice platforms. The background is a little dull though.

BlueBerry Heights blueberry heights.gif (3159 bytes) An excellent background by Duckboy. Using a nice colour scheme, and great shading.
Park Paradise

Green Paradise

parkparadise.gif (4670 bytes)greenparadise.gif (5308 bytes) Two new backgrounds by Max Stunner.

The first is a great backgdrop of a parkside, with some cars and various other machinery around.

The second is a beach setting, with some nicely shaded bits of background.

Never Lake neverlake.gif (6049 bytes) A fantastic BG by Pseudo Da Hedgehog, it's never lake, the place where the Sonic CD planet appears every year. It looks brilliant.
Underground Zone Advance undergroun1.gif (6694 bytes) This background was created for use in Blaze Hedgehog's 'Sonic Advance 2' hoax. A nice revisit of the old Master System level.
Aquatic Ruins Zone Past, Present, and Bad Future bftimepast.gif (3820 bytes)bftime.gif (4480 bytes)bftimefuture.gif (4489 bytes) Three great new backgrounds by Blue Frenzy.

The past is very ruin-like, with higher water depths, the present looks quite good, and the bad future is very machine filled.

Trunk Valley Zone trunkvalley.gif (10248 bytes) A nice Wood Zone-like setting has been created by Blue Frenzy in the name of Trunk Valley! It seems to use some objects from other games, but it comes out quite well.
Metropolis Zone Advance metadv.gif (5827 bytes) An edit of Metropolis Zone from Sonic 2 to fit in with the Sonic Advance sized sprites. By Benji.