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If YOU have anything which you reckon is much better, or have something we don't have up here, drop me a e-mail with the file attached.


Download Picture Descriptions
Turquoise Hill Zone quoit.gif (1726 bytes) A nice Turquoise Hill collection, has basically everything, made by Rlan
Gigalopolis Zone giga.gif (2423 bytes) A pretty good Gigalopolis Zone, has Background, Foregrounds, and Platforms. Made By Rlan
Sleeping Egg Zone egg.gif (2521 bytes) an pretty good collection of Sleeping Egg Zone backgrounds. made by rlan
Mecha Green Hill Zone mgh.gif (2471 bytes) a pretty good collection of Mecha Green Hill Zone has heaps of Moving sceeery. made by Rlan
Aqua Planet Zone aqua.gif (3233 bytes) a very small collection of Aqa planet, doesn't have much at all.. but then.. it's probably all you need anyway :) Made By Ultra Sonic 007