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If YOU have anything which you reckon is much better, or have something we don't have up here, drop me a e-mail with the file attached.


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Green Hill Zone 3D ghz.gif (6457 bytes) A nice 3D Green Hill Zone by Manic Man. Has quite a bit from the level, including flowers etc, and is a pretty good representitive of the level.
Dust Hill 3D, Green grass Field 3D, and Angel Island 3D dusthill3d.gif (5965 bytes)greengrove3d.gif (3134 bytes)angelisland.gif (4158 bytes) Jex has been a bit busy, and created 3 neew background, all 3D counterparts of other levels. Although the levels could definitely be better, theyre ok.

The Dust Hill Zone is OK, but the textures seem a bit odd. The Green grass Field, a 3D version of his old Original background,  is good, but the checkerboard looks kinds blinding with the brown and green. And Angel Island is rather good, but the  land texture could be better.

Hill Top Zone 3D hilltop3d.gif (2728 bytes) This original BG, of Hill Top Zone in Isometric view, is much better than the above, looks alot like the actual level, although theres something wrong with the checkerboard. made by jex.
Aquatic Ruins 3D

Chemical Plant 3D

aq3d.gif (2470 bytes)cp3d.gif (2570 bytes) This Aquatic Ruins 3D background is very good looking. The tiles really match the sides. also included is a Underwater version!

Chemical Pant 3D also looks good, but the checkered floor doesn't really fit in. made by Jex

Death Egg 3D de3d.gif (2721 bytes) A new 3D background by Jex, this time, the victim is Death Egg from Sonic 2, and is good at recreating the level. Although some Windows to see space would be nice.
Emerald Hill 3D eh3d.gif (3513 bytes) Emerald Hill has been created in 3D! This is true to the original, even having an animated waterfall, but it just looks a little too flat. Created by Jex.
Emerald Hill Zone 3D 3demeraldhill.gif (2921 bytes) Another 3D Emerald Hill zone. although smaller, this version has much better tiles, and bridge sprites. by Cinos
Hidden Palace 3D hp3d.gif (3752 bytes) an OK background of a 3D hidden palace zone. Uses some animation too, but the floor just seems odd. Made by Jex.
Mystic Cavern 3D mc3d.gif (3616 bytes) A Rather good Mystic Caves background by Jex. Although the floor doesn't look that good, the 3D Crates look neato!
Metropolis 3D mt3d.gif (2316 bytes) A pretty good Metropolis 3D by jex/ The walls are good, as the platforms, but the pipes don't look right, but more like paper.
Oil Ocean 3D oo3d.gif (2931 bytes) A rather good Oil Ocean, although missing the Oil part in most parts (except for a small oil slick), it's a good try. The pipes look like paper though, and some rendering would have been appreciated.
Casino Night 3D casino.gif (2954 bytes) A nice Casino Night Zone by Jex. Includes 3D blocks, and a nice red carpet. The sides look too 2D though