bad.gif (7735 bytes)

Wanted to make a game but can't be stuffed making any Sonic Sprites/Backgrounds? Well this area lets you lay back and get em. If YOU have anything which you reckon is much better, or have something we don't have up here, drop me a e-mail with the file attached.


By downloading these sprites you agree NOT to repost them on any sort of webpage in any shape or form without express permission from the author or the inclusion of a credit to their name.


Almost all the badniks from all the Megadrive and Master System games, nicely done. a whole HEAP of 2nd Bosses from sonic 3 & Knuckles. Quite a few Act 1 bosses from Sonic 3 & K a collection of Egg-mobiles from Sonic 1,2,3&K
By Gold Sonic
By E-107 Theta
E-107 Theta
By J-Specialsoft
a collection of the Endboss transformations of Sonic 3D One of the bosses from Tails' Adventure. Also has him in a shield. collection of 3 badniks from Techno tower on Chaotix! 2 badniks from Speed Slider Zone
By Turbo
By Julio
By Snowfire
By Yuski
all the badniks from Marina Madness Zone (Chaotix) Includes 2 badniks from Knux Chaotix! Has several Sonic 1 GG Eggman sprites A huge amount of Badniks from Sonic Game Gear Games! All well done with almost all animation.
By Yuski
By Yuski
By Turbo
By Turbo
A whole Heap of bosses from Sonic pocket Adventure! a collection of Badniks from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on the Master System. A collection of ALL Sonic Pocket Adventure Characters! A Bunch of Sonic 1 Badnik Sprites from the Game Gear Version, include ones from the first 2 levels.
By Turbo
By Meowtwo
By Julio
By Julio
An excellent "Axe Dude" Sprite from Sonic & Knuckles. It has a HUGE amount of animation, all of it is here. This little critter here is the last boss of Tails Adventure 3 Sonic Adventure Bots for use with your games. one being the Rhino Bot from Emerald Coast, the Winged Bat thingo, and the spiked ball dude. a collection of some "fusion" badniks, which include Mecha Robosaur, Floato, Fishoink, Winzaur, and Ninja Night Knight.
By Mark D.
By Julio
By Ice Dragon
2 new badniks ready to whoop some Sonic, these fusion badniks look pretty cool, and quite imaginitive (such as that Turtle one) A new Collection of Fusion Badniks. Including a Green DinoBot who's controlled by those Turtles, and a Eggbot/Spikethrower fusion. A couple of new Eggman Machines for toying around with. A collection of new mini-turtle riding sprites! The mini-turtle now rides many things.
By JSpecialsoft
By Gold Sonic
By Osehamb
By Matrixx
6 new Fusion badniks created by Ultra Sonic 007. Some of these are quite pleasing, such as the Caterkiller head flying thing. All are Blue, for use in Cold Levels. Supersquito, Tortoise-Ball,Scorpiofly, Grounder X, Maniac Bug, Floatonik, Shark-a-fly, & Stealthsquito. 13 new fusion baddies from blues. nicely done, I especially like the grounder dinobot fus :) A collection of 4 brand new fusion badniks, and all are quite creative, and with that Fiddlesticks touch.
By US007
By US007
By Blues
By Meowtwo
11 new badniks for use with games, quite good. 3 new badniks courtsey of Julio, a spider/Caterkiller fusion, a bomb shooter, and a buzzbomber/caterkiller fusion. A edited collection of Wing Fortress stuff has created a huge Badnik! And for it's size it has quite a bit of animation, that IS its size. This lib has 7 new Fusion badniks, rnginf from collections of all major Genesis Sonic Games, quite good.
By Metal Ashura
By Julio
By JSpecialsoft
By Knuxteam
9 brand new fusion badniks for you to use. the Turtle ARMY! every sprite consists some type of Sonic 2 turtle. 3 new badniks are ready to roll, thanks to Falcon. First we have a mix of what looks like the Sandalopolis Scorpion and the Sonic CD Scorp, next a collection of many things from Sonic 3. and a Boss-type character who sprays electricity. 7 new "fusion" badniks for you to enjoy 6 new badniks courtesy of Swifthorn. Includes a mix of Beeniks, Fishniks, and Crabniks, also a camobeetle, a shooter, and a better fire thrower.
By Matrixx
By Falcon
By JSpecialsoft
By Swifthorn
10 brand new Egg Mobiles for the dastardly Doc to use. Including Air and ground vehicles. A new set of Badniks created by J-Specialsoft. Included are 4 turbo pointers, a ground chomper, 2 Big chompers, a spikejaws, and 2 Octocrushers. Another collection of extrordinary fusion badniks A collection of new baddies to conquer.
By Jspecialsoft
By Jspecialsoft
By Duckboy
By Kaisar
A new collection of Fusion badniks by Duckboy, and they're better then ever. Why, no-one in the world could resist this Flying Rooster :) A cool selection of new Sonic CD Fusion bots by Ninja. Including this "Dylan" bot, A Spiderbot with a beebot head, and a Pokebot. 12 new Badnik things brought to you by J-Specialsoft. The first 4 are Egg-mobiles for use with Robotnik. The first being a large claw type thing, a wheelie mobile, a driller, and a helicopter. The Wheelie is the best, as the animation changes if he's going rather fast. The second lot includes 2 "large boss machines". One created entirely out of mines, which is very good, with lots of animation. and the second, being a "Magnemite" type robot. Also some various small bots. A HUGE collection of Badniks created by Sonic 3000. Including 8 Fusion Badniks, 5 new mini bosses, Rhino Droid, Hyper Eggmanbot, and 2 new end bosses!
By Duckboy
By MartJyn
By Jspecialsoft
By Sonic 3000
This lib, created by J-Specialsoft, includes 14 new fusion badniks, most being variations of Caterkiller and Crabmeat, very nice too, also is a Star Pointer, with much more animation. A small sprite, it's Splats the Robot! In archie comics, he was known as a "classic Badnik", but never actually got into the games themselves. A new collection of Fusion badniks thanks to Duckboy. All fusions here are quite imaginitive too, such as a Flamethower scorpiobot. Another colletcion of Fusion badniks, again by Duckboy. Including some less innovative, but nice badniks.
By Jspecialsoft
By MartJyn
By Duckboy
By Duckboy
This file includes Fusion libraries 6, 7, and 8 by Duckboy. A Staggering 42 new fusion and super badniks have been created. Excellent work. A collection of badniks, modified to look like the Archie Comic Counterparts. including a more purple Bat Brain, this grounder, and others. Included is varios Eggman musclebots, Egg-Tanks, and many others. Well done. An updated Eggbot from Ninja. It now has a large grabbing hand grafted to it's body.
By Duckboy
By MartJyn
By Andrusi
By MartJyn
A new Fusion Lib by Duckboy. Including Chyth, Spike Wasp, and many more. Another collection of badniks Fusions by Beamer. All very good looking.  whole wad of fusion badniks up for grabs by Duckboy. Including this bee/dino/crab mixture. A nice collection of edited Eggmobiles by ACE Fox. Also includes Some "Egg fighters", edited ships from the end of Sonic 2.
By Duckboy
By Beamer
By Duckboy
By ACE Fox
The final Fusion library by Duckboy. Includes many new ones, and plenty of "super" versions of other lib badniks. Some of the best badniks ever to grace SFGHQ, Pseudo Hedgehog has done a great job with them. A large collection of Fusion badniks and Fusion bosses Another good collection of fusion badnik bosses by Ace.
By Duckboy
By Pseudo
By Alex Prower
By ACE Fox
Nice library by Monty Bowser. Includes several imaginitive badniks, including the crabug and elebat. Two Sonic Adventure looking bots, thanks to Ninja. They are the Swinging Spike ball Robot, and the Fire spinner. A small, but good Eggmobile from Chaotix, by Yuski. It's from Botanic base, but oddly looks weird with his head during moving. I think yuski did a switch-a-roo with half of him :) This very small lib includes the mighty Tricerabot! This is only found in a Magazine picture, but has been brought to life by ReXwing. nice.
By Monty Bowser
By MartJyn
By Yuski
By ReXwing
This includes four new fusion badniks. Several new fusion badniks by Duckboy.
By Duckboy
By Duckboy


Design of Sonic Fan Games HQ is (C) Ryan Langley. Each mouse drawn sprite or edit is (C) Their respective spriters. No infringement is intended. SFGHQ is hosted by and assumes no responsibility for the content on SSRG, Emulation World, and ZTNet. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and all related characters are (C) SEGA Enterprises