amyee.gif (11310 bytes)

Wanted to make a game but can't be stuffed making any Sonic Sprites/Backgrounds? Well this area lets you lay back and get em. If YOU have anything which you reckon is much better, or have something we don't have up here, drop me a e-mail with the file attached.


By downloading these sprites you agree NOT to repost them on any sort of webpage in any shape or form without express permission from the author or the inclusion of a credit to their name.


Amy rose, completely re-modeled to look like the Sonic Adventure version! she even has 2 attacks (a ground and air hammer attack both by pressing Z) and has walk, stand, jump, and hurt animations. A decent Amy, has quite a bit of animation, but looks a bit odd. It's Amy in her Sonic R Car! unfortunately, she only has ONE frame A great Amy sprite.
By Rlan
By PokeSonic
By Julio
By Julio
An edited SPA Sprite, quite good. Amy on Snowboards! Both SCD and SA Versions of her appear on them. 2 new Amy Crackers World sprites. The first is the original Amy, in 3D, and the second being te new SA Amy. An original Amy Sprite, but with MUCH more walking animation (and Julio's pallette) and even a Super huge hammer, which what seems to be a correct hammer movement.
By Julio
By Julio
By Jexodus
By Blues
An SA version of the 2nd Amy in this pack. An Amy 3D crackers sprite. Julio's Amy Sprite, with more added, and a Pink Palette A excellent looking sprite, its a edited Crackers sprite to look like the original Amy. Well Shaded.
By Blues
By Blues
By Blues
By Blues, T.D
This sprite by Julio shows ALL animation of Amy, including some animation nobody has carde to include, a REAL walking animation, with more animation, which is found only in Mettalic Madness Act 3 GF! Great work. See the well done sprite to the left? This is a edited version of it, every animation has been edited to include new and improved ones! very nice, includes a blur run. 2 new things for Amy Sprites! The first being variations for a Amy styled jump, 7 to be correct, all slightly different. The second sprite is a Amy Sonic Drift Car (originally by Rlan) but now to look like her Sonic R Car. A excellent Amy Sprite by Julio, ripped straight from Sonic R, this is a 3D, 16 way Amy Car! Well done for such a hard thing to do.
By Julio
By Matrix, Julio
By Julio
By Julio
Amy Snowboard Sprites, both SA And CD Amy. A nice Amy Sprite which is meant to look a little like it's off Sonic Shuffle, As the way it's shaded. rather good, the shading is quite impressive. This zip contains 5 new things for Julio's shuffle sprite. Including 5 spin jumps, a jump, Hammer, Waiting, and Turning super. A updated version of Julio's Shuffle Amy sprite. This is very welld one by Stark-Ken, she's taller, has a better run and walk, and excellent looking jump and fall animations.
By Blues
By Julio
By Julio
By Stark-Ken, Julio
This is an edited version of Blazes Sonic sprite. And actually come out quite well. a new Amy sprite by Blues. using N8 Dawg's Sonic sprite, this looks pretty cool, with a good hammer animation. An excellent Crackers world sprite of Amy Rose. Well shaded, and excellent animation, Stark-Ken doesn it again. 2 new Amy sprites by ManicTeam. The first is a nice, Cell shaded looking sprite of Amy Rose SA, with all needed animations. Secondly is her in A Jet Set Radio getup, used just for Neo Sonic 3.
By Julio
By Blues, N8Dawg
By Stark-Ken
By ManicTeam
Some new animations for Manicteams Amy sprites, thanks to Ninja. Included is a JSR Waiting animation, a Kiss, and ice cream animation. An excellent Amy sprite by Cinos. Editing a Sonic 2 sprite, he's recoloured and edited it to become the Sonic CD Amy. Very good. A huge collection of Amy animations from Sonic Advance by Water Proof Pop Tart. bascially all frames of animations are here. An edited Tails sprite from Sonic Advances, mixed with a dash of Sonic and a pinch of Amy. It's meant to look like the Sonic CD form of Amy.
By Martjyn
By Cinossu
By Water Proof Pop Tart
By Cinossu


Design of Sonic Fan Games HQ is (C) Ryan Langley. Each mouse drawn sprite or edit is (C) Their respective spriters. No infringement is intended. SFGHQ is hosted by and assumes no responsibility for the content on SSRG, Emulation World, and ZTNet. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and all related characters are (C) SEGA Enterprises