Omni Chaos |
Omni Khaos Pure Emotion this is what this game was hitting me with in the first 10 secounds but then.....the cheesy introduction to the cast just put me off :( Graphics: fairly nice blend of death egg & flying battery(i think O_o)...the grapics for the furrie red 13(sorry) is top notch!Though you`r gonna really have to point that he has only one eye cause i though you where going a little ol lazy on the sprites.... LOL Sound: Tha Music is confuzing!honestly its got those chosen by the planet(sephiroth tune do do do do remember!)as the first levels music totally throw me off my seat....even though it is a remix,i think it needs to be changed a little bit(so its not SO SCARY!!!!!!^_^) I love the little clicking noise when the all talking,thats really cool! Story: To notch story line,though reveling it all to soon!which completly spoils the game and its image! Gamplay: hmmm....i think where all getting a little more grown up now and figuring how to do things.... A must for a game today is correct ring loses,now this bring the game down....and the height red can mario would say MOMMIMEA..... Level Design: ............beep........beep.........beep.........beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppp.....sorry did i die there hmmm level its o.k,but a little ol adjustment would goto no harm... Grade: b+ a coulple of things have draged this game down,but the strong story line will bring this game to an a,ring lose,springs,ect ect will bring this game to an higher grade,i`m hoping that this game will chuck out that cheesy look and dance in on trakky bottoms and some nice new trainers! Nexjen |
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